-107d -24h -15m -45s
Minting this unique NFT will grant its owner access to an Art Collective of 23+ “DIAMOND HAND HODLER” NFT art pieces.
Each art piece is designed by a unique artist and inspired by the Rarest Reddit Collectible Avatar traits: the Gold HODL hat!
All you need to do is HODL this base NFT mint to unlock new Evolutions & NFT Art Airdrops over the next 23 months! ⭐️
WARNING: Do NOT transfer this NFT to another wallet after minting! Doing so will cause you to LOSE the HODL experience (nobody likes a paper hand…) and you will no longer receive future evolutions and airdrops. You have been warned!
#1 u/joemari5
#2 u/hoppy_doodle
#3 u/yirii
#4 u/Real_Player_0
#5 u/_ships
#6 u/hofmaurerad
#7 u/002_timmy
#8 u/tinymischiefs
#9 u/Significant-Road-391
#10 u/frayz
#11 u/dreamingcolors
#12 u/TransferMyMoons
#13 u/joeviani
#14 u/PortCity_MadMan
#15 u/eno7x
#16 u/BaldTuesdays
#17 u/GlowyMushroom
#18 u/hey_barry (Pokeyhat)
#19 u/Josh_Brandon
#20 u/Lion-Hermit
#21 u/yaGurl-LovesCrypto
#22 u/mantrakid
#23 u/worsttwitchever